Privacy Policy

We assumes the following responsibilities:

  1. Protecting all data generated by and provided to us by our users from being stolen, compromised, or used in violation with this policy.
  2. Never selling user-provided and user-generated data for financial gain or competitive advantage.
  3. Providing transparency for our users into what data us collect and what us do with it including what access third parties have to user data and for what purpose.
  4. Informing users if their data is compromised, either by failure to protect data or by order to surrender data to a legal authority, to the fullest extent us are lawfully able.

What us Know About You

If you register an account with us, we’ll have access to your e-mail address and any additional contact information you choose to provide us. If you place an order, us retain a record of the contents of the order, delivery and billing address information, and any communication you might have with our customer support team about the order. If you use features such as commenting, in-stock notifications, and comment reply notifications, us retain record of this fact.

If you use our app, with or without a login, us know for a limited time that a user at your IP address has visited pages on the site.

We collect data on what products and content you browse in order to offer better value to you through personalized email, and to see which products/content are the most useful to you.

When and How We Send Email

We send email to users when orders are placed, paused, shipped, or ready for local pickup. us may be in contact when an order requires payment before shipping or if other issues prevent us from fulfilling an order. us will send you email to verify your email address or if you request a password reset. We may send you email to request reviews of our products or feedback on your experience with our usbsite, products, or customer support.

We will notify users if us believe their privacy has been compromised, if it is within our power to do so. For example, if us discover a customer’s account user login information has been exposed elsewhere on the usb, or if us are compelled to disclose information to law enforcement.

We offer a set of opt-in email subscriptions for things such as newsletters, in-stock notifications for products, and comment reply notifications. You can control your subscriptions (when logged into your account) on the Email Notifications page. All new customers are signed up to our main newsletter by default, and us may at any time add all new and all existing customers to existing and new newsletters at our discretion.

We may occasionally send you an email that you did not request or trigger with an action of any kind in order to promote a certain aspect of our site, products, or services.

When you talk to our support teams

If you email us, chat with us, or call us on the telephone for support us can and most of the time will record the interaction. This is done so for training and audit purposes and the private conversations between customers and support staff are never sold to or shared with third parties (except when a third party tool, such as email or our chat service, is used to make the interaction possible).

Logging and Log Retention

In order to understand traffic to our sites and diagnose technical problems, us log individual usb requests. These logs include time of request, individual IP address, referer, and user agent strings. us may retain these logs for up to 60 days, although individually-identifying information will be obscured after one usek.

In order to prevent fraud and detect malicious behavior, us log IP addresses for specific actions, such as creating a customer account and placing an order. This information is automatically deleted after no more than 60 days.

Except in the case of malicious traffic, us will not share log data with any third party, unless compelled by legal process to do so.

Cookies, Tags, Tracking Pixels, and HTTPS

We use cookies, tags, and tracking pixels to know when users are logged in to us services and to track preferences such as display currencies and the rendering of product menus.

Our analytics software, DoubleClick and CrazyEgg, use tags/tracking pixels to help keep track of how many unique visitors us’re getting, where they come from, and how they navigate our site, unless you’re browsing with Do Not Track enabled. us use this information to inform site improvements.

We do our best to serve all content securely over HTTPS.

Third Party Services

Do Not Track

Do Not Track is a standard for telling sites that you don’t want to be tracked. It’s aimed at sites you don’t visit directly, like advertisers and social media platforms.

We supports the Do Not Track standard. While third party plugins with access to visitor browsing data are limited on, all are disabled for visitors passing a Do Not Track HTTP header. This includes third party tools for analytics, live chat, and usb optimization (described below).


We uses Google Analytics to track aggregate behavior of visitors on our app.

Google Universal Analytics is a service hosted on Google’s servers, and is our primary analytics tool. It is activated by a JavaScript snippet that loads on every page to send visitor behavioral information to Google. us uses this information to understand how visitors use our site. Sometimes us will run A/B tests, where Google Analytics will track cookies set on users to divide them into groups that get slightly different pages to see which perform better. Visitors who have Do Not Track enabled will not have any information sent to Google’s servers for use in analytics.

We also utilizes Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. This means us combine personally identifiable information about your us account, browsing, and shopping habits and merge it with Google’s tracking cookies, all of which goes to Google. This is enabled by default for all visitors to You can opt out of this by enabling Do Not Track headers in your browser or installing and enabling the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on.

Content Hosting

We serve image files (like product images) and other resources from Alibaba’s Aliyun cloud service.

Social Media

We may maintain accounts on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Flickr, GitHub, YouTube, Ello, and Instagram, and Tumblr. While some of these platforms are themselves invasive of user privacy, us will do our best to apply the principles outlined in the rest of this policy to our use of social media.

We do not make use of third-party social media badges or widgets which function as trackers.